Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring chickens

We're raising four laying hens at the Abbey. The two dark ones are called Barred Rock chickens; the two light ones are Golden Comets. They've been living in my room with me, but I take them out into the garden each afternoon. We bought them from the local roller mill a week ago. (And yes, they are as adorable as they look.)


Amela said...

Glad you have some roommates now :)

Ash Nichols said...

I love Barred Rocks! I also love americanas. They're looking very happy.
The Tuckerbag

Kicking the Plastic said...

Aw, so cute! How old are they?

Ken said...

Amela--They're actually pretty good roommates. At night, they really quiet down. I haven't cleaned out their cage in over a week, and I still don't detect even the first hint of odor....

Ash--Our grown-up Barred Rocks have been incredibly sweet. We just picked up one Ameraucana today.

Kicking--We've had them for a week and a half now. Unfortunately, they'll soon become pubescent and grow out greasy feathers.